ENG1 Team 11 project
Our project is centered around developing a dragon boat racing game. It is designed to mimic the real Dragon Boat Challenge held in York.
It is a single-player game that involves racing with one of the boats, competing against boats controlled by our game AI. The rules of the competition are based on the real Dragon Boat Race. All teams race four times. This includes three legs and the final. The fastest of the three leg times will be used to place teams into the final. In the "Championship Final", teams race for the title of the York Dragon Race and gold medals, the second place team receives silver medals, and the third place team receives bronze medals.
Additionally, we introduced some new features to make the game more engaging to the user. One such difference is the ability to buy boat upgrades between races. You can access our documentation using the links below or through the side navigation.
Some screenshots taken from within the game can be found below:
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